Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 2012 - SOTW summary

Still struggling abit with the vocal/guitar mix here and there, but just a little tweaking needed.  I'll have to learn to be more aware while I'm recording.

I took on a couple songs this month that really needed a signature intro riff - now that was a really BIG challenge for me to learn, let alone get anywhere near smooth, let alone get it anywhere near smooth WHILE recording.  Lots of takes, lots of takes!

I've been getting quite a few comments lately that folks are starting to see more expressiveness.  Interesting.  I certainly know that as I listen to the recordings, I am less frequently repulsed and embarassed - I guess it's all good.  

Week # 31: Swing Low Sweet Chariot, traditional negro spiritual - author unknown

Week # 32: Cat's In The Cradle, Harry Chapin, 1974

Week # 33: The House Carpenter, traditional English Folk Ballad - author unknown

Week # 34: Redemption Songs, Bob Marley, 1979

I'm ready for the cooler weather.  Hard to believe there's only 18 weeks left.  Wow.