Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Song Of The Week - New Year's Resolution

I'm most probably going crazy, but I've been following a virtual friend of mine, Kyle Scobie, on the Acoustic Guitar Forum.  He faithfully posted a new song each and every week for a year.  It's been an interesting ride as I've followed Kyle's musical adventure.

So I'm thinking that I will make the same resolution.  Researching and developing a new song every week and recording it to YouTube will be a great way to grow my repertoire for busking quickly.  Working through the technical aspects of recording and working up something that is worthy of presentation to the public will help me 'step it up a notch' in my playing.  I'm hoping that my fellow musicians will be able to offer up suggestions, tips, and feedback that will help me grow as a musician.and increase the speed with which I am improving.

As I post each week, I will be aiming to provide a variety of different types of music from a variety of decades and genres - I'd like to have some folk, some country, some classic rock n roll, some modern pop, some old-tyme gospel, and some modern praise and worship selections.

My over-arching goal is to improve my presentation skills - you know - getting good vocal projection, achieving a good variety of techniques and dynamics, getting a good vocal/ guitar mix, making good eye contact and positive connection with the viewing 'crowd'.  My second goal is to make a better connection with my music and to be able to better communicate that feeling, or soul, to the viewer.  My friend Kyle talks about it as 'guitar face' - you probably know what I mean - but it's really about putting lots of feeling into the playing.  My third goal is to introduce new songs to folks, like others had done for me, and to provide them with some back story with each song.  Another thing I had found frustrating in some YT posts was the lack of lyrics/ chords, so I was hoping to add this material, as well.  And I hope I can have fun with this along the way.

So wish me well, and I'd like it if you came along for the ride with me - post  some feedback and let's walk a little bit of this road together.

Crazy ride, here we come!

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